Jersey Week (Sept. 18 - 23)

Jersey Week (Sept. 18 - 23)

Jersey Week at the Novato Gymnastics Center: September 18 - 22
Participants are encouraged to wear their favorite sports jersey or t-shirt to gymnastics this week!

Did you know that gymnastics prepares your child for other sports? Gymnastics activity provides your child with an awesome opportunity to enhance their physical conditioning and overall athleticism! Gymnastics develops many physical attributes such as strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, power, and agility which are the same skills needed for sports like football, diving, soccer, baseball, etc. 

Wondering about some of the other benefits of gymnastics participation? Kids in gymnastics learn how to roll and fall safely which can aid in injury prevention. The complexity of gymnastics enhances cognitive development as well. It works on concentration, listening skills, and memory and can even help in learning to read and write. Through also teaching patience, focus, perseverance, time management, and sportsmanship, gymnastics builds character, too!